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Information Literacy Tutorial

Developing Research Topics: Understand the Assignment

Understand the Assignment

Read all the assignment guidelines and requirements thoroughly. Make sure you understand all of your instructor's expectations. If you are unclear about anything, ask for help first to avoid wasting time.

Make sure you know all the important assignment details:

  • When is your assignment due?
  • What is the scope of the assignment?
  • How many pages are required?
  • How many sources will you need?
  • What types of sources should be used?
  • How much time will you need to complete the assignment?


Research can be time consuming. Get started on your assignment early and give yourself enough time to complete it before the deadline.

Developing Research Topics: Select a Topic to Investigate

How To Select A Good Topic?

Think about potential research topics in broad or general terms at first. After exploring each topic, begin to narrow the focus.

Overly broad topics result in too many sources of information and it will be harder to identify the best ones. On the other hand, if a potential research topic is too specific, there might not be a sufficient amount of published information to complete the assignment. It is important to find the right balance.

Consider several different topics before making a final choice.

Video: Research Topics 101 - by NJCU Librarians

This video provides additional information about selecting potential topics for research.

Time: 3:40 minutes

Developing Research Topics: Ask A Librarian for Help

Reference Librarians

Reference Librarians are here to provide assistance using library information resources.

Ask A Librarian if you need help identifying or exploring possible research topics.

Contact the library by telephone, email, SMS, or online chat. Librarians are also available for in-person or Zoom appointments.

Library Reference Materials

Reference materials can be helpful in selecting possible research topics. They contain short articles and essays which provide an overview of many different subjects, concepts, and issues.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, yearbooks are all examples of reference books. Typically, reference books are organized alphabetically by topics and are easy to browse.

Many reference materials are now available in E-book format for remote access. The library also has a large collection of non-circulating print reference books.

Congressman Frank J. Guarini Library Website

Go to the Library's website to learn more about library resources and services.

Off Campus Access to Library Resources

Most library services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week!

Library resources can be accessed remotely from both on and off-campus locations.

For off-campus access, login using the last seven digits of your Gothic ID number.

Self Test Questions for "How Do I Start?"

Test Your Knowledge About Research Topics:

1. You are defining a term paper topic on teenage suicide. Which encyclopedia is the the BEST for background information?
a) Encyclopedia of Philosophy
b) The Gale Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence
c) International Encyclopedia of Population
d) Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice

2. Select the BEST subject area for the topic rap music:
a) Popular music
b) Television advertising
c) Fashion

3. Which of the following should you do if you cannot find materials on your topic?
a) Give up
b) Get depressed
c) Change/ modify your topic or ask a librarian for help

4. Which of the following is the BEST answer to develop a research topic?
a) Mapping out ideas
b) Gathering background information
c) Select a manageable topic
d) Reading and taking notes
e) All of the above.

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. E